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Dennis G O'Connell

Professor of Physical Therapy College of Health Professions Physical Therapy


  • B.S., 1977, Manhattan College
  • M.A., 1978, Kent State University
  • Ph.D., 1985, University of Toledo
  • B.S., P.T., 1995, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
  • D.P.T., 2011, Hardin-Simmons University

Dr. Dennis O’Connell holds a Bachelor of Science degree in physical education from Manhattan College 和 a Bachelor of Science in physical therapy from The University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio. He has a Master of Arts degree from Kent State University, 和 a Ph.D. in exercise physiology from the University of Toledo. He has also earned a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree from Hardin-Simmons University.

His research has focused on metabolic, cardiopulmonary, 和 neuromuscular responses to acute 和 chronic exercise. “DOC’s” teaching responsibilities include: Applied Physiology I & II, 和 Clinical Diagnosis 和 Management: Cardiovascular & Pulmonary, 和 Multiple Systems II. He currently serves as a reviewer for Medicine 和 Science in Sports, Archives of Physical Medicine 和 Rehabilitation, Journal of Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy, 和 Physical Therapy 和 selected published works can be found in the Journal of Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy, Archives of Physical Medicine 和 Rehabilitation, The Journal of Strength 和 Conditioning, WORK: Prevention, Assessment 和 Rehabilitation, 和 Perceptual & Motor Skills Journal. He has authored Special Tests of the Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, 和 Gastrointestinal Systems (SLACK Publishing) with Drs. Janelle O’Connell 和 Martha Hinman.

He is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, 和 a member of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, the American Physical Therapy Association 和 the Texas Physical Therapy Association. He is past-president of The Texas Physical Therapy Education 和 Research Foundation, the American Heart Association-Region 16 和 past chair of the Abilene Mayor’s Council on Physical 健身.  Dr. O’Connell has served the American Physical Therapy Association as a member of the Exercise Physiology Task Force 和 the Movement Diagnosis committees.

In addition to being a licensed physical therapist, he is certified in Exercise Test Technology, Ergonomics, 和 Strength 和 Conditioning. He currently serves the community by providing educational programs to hundreds of individuals with diabetes annually as well as in the HSU PT Pro-bono clinic. He 和 his wife, Dr. Janelle O’Connell are co-founders of the HSU PT Ministries program 和 received the 2019 Humanitarian Award by the American Physical Therapy Association for their service.

Courses Taught

  • PHYT 7303 Applied Physiology I
  • PHYT 7204 Applied Physiology II
  • PHYT 7425 Clinical Diagnosis 和 Management II: Cardiovascular & Pulmonary
  • PHYT 7230 Clinical Diagnosis 和 Management VIII: Multiple Systems
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